About Memberships & Subscriptions

Follow us through the seasons in the garden, at home, out and about, and become part of a caring foodie community.

There are three ways to enjoy the Shared Kitchen website experience.

Premium Member Benefits

Full access to Shared Kitchen archives

  • Full access to over 1,800 recipes covering all the seasons and 19 categories to suit every occasion.
  • Our monthly publication for Premium Members gives exclusive access to around a dozen new recipes, as well as blog posts, how-to cooking classes and videos, opinion pieces on important food, wine and agriculture matters, and humorous and uplifting stories about everyday life.
  • We’ll feature new ingredients and cover seasonal produce, showing you how to get the most out of it. And we’ll dig deep explaining cooking methods with all the tips and tricks that will help you become an expert cook in your own kitchen.

Kitchen advice & lifestyle blogs

  • We’ll cover kitchen equipment, what to select and how to look after it.
  • Guest experts will drop by our blog to share their culinary stories and offer advice.
  • We’ll talk gardening and share tips on growing your own food.
  • And we’ll share Ilaria’s journey with her wee daughter Remi.

Exclusive discounts  

  • From time to time we will provide access to special discounts and offers with premium New Zealand retailers such as Sabato and Millys.
  • Discounts on our Shared Kitchen Shop items.

Discounted consultancy rate

  • Doing up your kitchen? Unsure of which appliances to purchase? Need help with party planning? Need a one-on-one to help organise a new food or cooking regime, or an updated recipe repertoire?  Book Julie’s Consultancy Hotline for assistance. As an introductory offer you will be entitled to a hearty discount, talking directly to her, to ask for food or culinary advice.
  • Consultancy fees are discounted throughout the year for Shared Kitchen Premium Members. Booking required – please ask us for our rates.

Chat with us and our community

  • Twice a year, you will be invited to take part in an online presentation with Julie Biuso and guests talking all things food, with a post-presentation Q&A session.

Affiliate programme

  • Refer a friend when you renew your annual subscription and receive a 10% discount on your fee for the following year when the referred friend signs up.

Subscribe today with one of our subscriptions!