New season garlic 1

New season garlic is here. Get chomping!

All your medicine in a pearly white clove: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anti-fungal, antioxidant = GARLIC.

Chinese garlic

Garlic – time for an update

Have you seen these cutsey bundles of garlic in a shop near you? How good are you at reading labels?


Fennel – fancy things up with feathery leaves or pollen

If I could resist harvesting my fennel bulbs, they would have babies, slim fennel-ettes would start forming that I could pluck out leaving the plant to continue growing and forming more of the same. But I can’t, of course.

Artichokes 9

How to prepare an artichoke – it’s easy!

It’s primal … it’s messy … but the rewards are worth it.

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