Haiku on the beach. Poem in a hat. Fancy that!
Friday is National Poetry Day, officially called 2018 Phantom Billstickers National Poetry Day.
What’s a phantom billsticker? You don’t need much imagination to work that out, but just in case, check them out https://0800phantom.co.nz
And here’s the link to poetry day
There are over 135 events taking place around NZ – one could be in a town near you, so check out the events’ calendar.
The events are wide-ranging:
How about writing a poem in the sand on Orewa Beach and having it filmed by a drone?
Or attending Resurrection Night in Auckland city, dressed as your fave poet (talk about Dead Poet’s Society!). If you live in Alexandra, go listen to poems at the Central Stories Museum & Art gallery, all written with a theme of rivers. Or read your favourite Baxter poem over breakfast at The Grand Hotel in Whanganui.
Kicking around Napier? Go construct a Haiku out of stones at the beach. In Nelson? Join the Poem Swap. What’s that (I wondered, too)? Write your fave poem on paper, trot along to VOLUME, stick your poem in a hat, pull out another poem, read it and take your new poem home with you. How cool is that. A poem in a hat!
There’s poetry at pre-schools, schools and on campus, in libraries, in rest homes, in pubs, on the beach, in shops and museums. Poets will pop up on trains, poetry slams will take place on the street. And there are Books on the Bus (and ferries) – read the ‘free’ book, then drop it somewhere for someone else to read.
Get the kids involved! There are heaps of events on for kids including the Children’s Poetry Extravaganza hosted at the Dorothy Butler shop Jervois Road, by poet Paula Green
And on Waiheke Island, we are having 10:02 AMhe Poetry Love Jam this Saturday. Whoop. Whoop!!!! To book ($20, although there are concessions and children under 12 are free), email me NOW [email protected]