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Stop spitting!

Baking trays

Stop spitting

Yes, this may look like a flashback to bad flatting days, but it is a great tip. When frying a few steaks or other ‘spitty’ food, surround the pan with baking trays (sheets). The baking trays will catch the spits and splatters, and they are a whole lot easier to clean in a sink of soapy water than tiles and oven tops with cracks and crevices! Use a splatter screen to minimise splatters, and run the extraction fan if you have one.

There’s something to be said for being dull and old

I know you are probably thinking, ‘Why are my baking trays so dirty?’ Darker baking trays cook food more evenly and quickly than shiny new ones. Food also browns evenly. Shiny metals reflect heat and can prevent food from browning evenly. Avoid black baking trays as they heat too quickly and can cause biscuits to burn around the edges before the middle is baked.

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  1. Thank so much for your first year of Shared Kitchen. It’s such a treat to be inspired by your writing and fab recipes, glimpses of life on Waiheke and your garden. I like so much that your Shared Kitchen says it all, sharing food is such a good thing to do. Keep up the good work. Kind regards Helen

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