How big is a clove of garlic?
When you follow a recipe calling for a clove of garlic how big should that clove be? And does it matter?
When you follow a recipe calling for a clove of garlic how big should that clove be? And does it matter?
Easy when you know how: trim, shave, halve, wash …
Dill is a tricky little devil. It looks so innocent, all soft fronds and sweet anise scent, but it packs a potent punch, and the taste lingers. That makes it perfect with oily fish such as salmon.
Cooking the perfect steak – use the touch test!
Fresh and dried pasta are different beasts and it needs to be said that neither one is superior to the other. What’s the difference?
Brussels sprouts look cuter than cabbage, and they can taste a whole lot better, too, if you arm yourself with a few must-do’s …
Here’s how to do it
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